Friday, February 11, 2011

"Khumbula" "Insingizi"

Here is a taste of some more modern African music- however its as clear as day it comes from obviousl older African roots. This is a pretty good song I really like what has been done here- they made a more modern day song with the typical verse then chorus setup (like any rock song) and they used pretty regular sounding instraments and style but when they start to sing the chorus and the back ups come in its typical African which I think is really cool. I couldnt find the song on YouTube so I pulled it off of a different website- you have to click on the little pink album thing to play the song. Sorry about that

Here is another one that is pretty cool I like this one especially toward the end. I have no idea whats on the video but listen to the song haha.

On the topic of African Jams here lets get some more of the choir sound. This music may be a little strange to you at first but its so beautiful some of the best I think. "Insingizi" is the Artist. I love how it kind of switches thing up a little bit at like 1:20. Really great piece I remember listening to this among other things before class started at 7:45 my Jr. year of high school sitting in my car freezing but the music was to good to get out.
Here is another one by "Insingizi". I have one of his albums that I got in a box set of African music that was really the first of it. This is by the same guy but not of the album I have. However this track is balling. Truely beautiful makes me want to go to Africa and just sing and chill with some giraffes.
Here is another one of my favorites. This one is called "Jerusalem" and you can pick out the words in the song. I love how the prenounce hallelujah.

Please comment and tell me what you think. If you like either style please let me know I have more.

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