First off what the F happened to the comments and the readers?! where you guys at.
Anyway just one quick song cuz i have tons of crap that needs doing. the song is "hayling" by FC Kahuna. Trip hop for sure but awesome song. this was the first song of this genre i ever liked. funny story. This summer i got crazy CRAZY sick (i weighed 29 pounds less than i do now.. i weigh 209 ahem thankyou) with "krypto" something. I was lying on my couch just being crazy sick and it was like the middle of the day when i discovered our new blu ray dvd player can have internet on the tv. so i signed on to pandora via the remote and made a Finley Quaye radio station. Little did i realize that the results of that would be acid jazz. anyway as the first few songs of that genre played i was dissapointed thats what it brouhgt me and did not care for the genre at all. Anyway i then fell asleep. the next series of events cannot not be descirbed in words how crazy it was but i will try. Anyway i woke up - if you can call it that seeing how sick i was- and my head was just like spinning i was super sweaty it was in the mid day sun in like july there was no AC and i had a feever and blankets on me. Anyway the song hayling was playing on the T.V. and i have NEVER experienced music like i did this song- i was so tripped out and strung out i just remember this music litterally inside of me just like pulsing and it was so crazy i have never experienced music on a level like that before. it was really like in me i cant describe like it was all so trippy i cant even describe.
From then on i saw acid jazz and trip hop in a hole new light. If you dont like it i dont blame you cuz you never have seen it like i have. but trust me once it makes sense its swell.
Love Kenton
Sorry to babble on so much not about music.
i'm still here... it sounds like you were high, which is cool because you weren't but you had the same experience... haha